Sefirat Haomer

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Sefirat Haomer
Sefirat Haomer in
  • ספירת העומר
    “Hineni Muchan U’mezuman”
    I am not consistent about saying “Hineni Muchan U’mezuman” before Sefirat Ha’Omer. Is it O.K?
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    Shoping During the Omer
    Is one permitted to buy new jewelry or cloths online in the knowledge that they will arrive on Lag B’Omer or after Shavuot?
  • All for One, One for All
    Why don’t we just make one bracha at the beginning of the count, on the first night, & then say a closing bracha on the last night? Why are there 49 separate brachot recited?!
  • Post-Pesach Reflections on Redemption
    Pesach is over - but we have permanently absorbed yet another portion of freedom. Yet another peel of Exile has been removed from us. We have shed yet another layer of self-nullification before others, and of blind admiration of customs found in the nations of the West or the Far East. We have grown stronger in getting to know ourselves, in healthy self-confidence, and in appreciation of the value of the People of Israel and its great destiny to shine the light of G-d throughout the world
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    The Omer Process
    In the process of leaving Egypt and becoming a nation we distinguish between the initial state, the goal at the end and the process.
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    Down for the Count
    Is counting Sefira out of ones sleep considered counting?
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    Anticipation or Preparation?
    Is Sefirat Ha’Omer in anticipation of something or in preparation for it?
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    Making Our Days Count
    Details About Counting "Sefirat Ha'omer", practical laws and interesting questions
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    The Mourning Period of Sefirah
    What Are the Guidelines for Aveilus Observed During the Sefirah Weeks?
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